Department of Women Preacher

The department is divided into three sections which include the Women Islamic Welfare and Rights, Violence Against Women and Women Empowerment through Islamic Development Sections. The following table provides the functions for each of the sections:

  • Women Islamic Welfare and Rights Section
  • Violence Against Women Section
  • Women Empowerment through Islamic Development Section

The following are the functions of the Islamic Orientation for Women Department: -


  • Coordinate the legislation, policy formulation and sectoral planning for Islamic orientation for women 
  • Formulate Somaliland Islamic Orientation for Women Policy
  • Formulate policies for the socio-economic and educational advancement of women in Somaliland
  • Investigate and examine all matters relating to Women issues including Islamic welfare and women rights, violence against women and women empowerment through Islamic development
  • Transformation of the government into an organization that actively practices and promotes gender equality and Islamic orientation for women 
  • Mainstreaming gender equality perspective across public policies, laws, programs, and projects by departments and agencies of the government with a focus on Islamic orientation for women 
  • Promotion, coordination and monitoring of execution of national, regional and districts policies and commitments on gender reforms and Islamic orientation for women 
  • Provision of technical support and expertise for gender mainstreaming in all departments of the government and its agencies
  • Expansion of investment in women’s socio-political and economic development to achieve the goal of gender equity
  • Collection of quantitative and qualitative data and conducting of research on the status of women in Somaliland to highlight issues at appropriate forum
  • Building of partnership with line departments, non-governmental and civil society organizations to deliver on the rights and entitlement of women
  • Pursuance of means and measures to increase participation of women in political process and encouragement of effective representation of women in political and administrative spheres
  • Implement women human rights in Somaliland including the right to bodily integrity and autonomy, to be free from sexual violence, to vote, to hold public office, to enter into legal contracts, to have equal rights in family law, to work, to fair wages or equal pay, to have reproductive rights, to own property, to education etc.
  • Collaboration with Ministry of Justice, legal, judicial, law enforcement and other relevant governmental and non-government agencies to facilitate women’s access to formal legal and justice system
  • Implementation of administrative and institutional reforms and departmental restructuring for promoting gender equality
  • Safeguard the provisions which was provided for women under the Constitution and other laws.
  • Research and codify the customary law relating to women, family institutions, social security for women and children for protecting family institutions from breaking up and for being against girl children from being rendered as orphans
  • Research and report on the customary laws and practices that need to be improved through legislative enactments
  • Research and report ALL laws in Somaliland regarding their applicability or otherwise to women and ensure amendment so as to plug loopholes and for more effective implementation
  • Study, research and report on the conditions of women in private and public work places in Somaliland
  • Study and report on the conditions of women in Jails, remand homes and other places of custody to safeguard their conditions against atrocities and human rights violations
  • Receive complaints relating to the status, conditions and affairs of women from individuals and bodies, investigate them and undertake corrective action
  • Preparation and implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget for the department.
  • Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and tools for the Department
  • Preparation and implementation of the capacity development for all staff based on the needs assessment and in-line with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) guidelines and requirements.
  • Preparation of the annual financial estimates in consultation with the heads of sections
  • Coordinating the formulation of the department’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring.